The protagonist of this post is known for her wit and apetite and was Happy to be Home Alone on the day of the incident. The person was invited by a colleague to have an evening snack at the local veggie outlet and they all enjoyed Masala Dosa. She was so delighted that she decided to take home four more [she convinced others that those were meant for her family]. She reached home only to find that every one had gone out [ai la :)] except her mom.
As a dutiful child she waited for more than 180 seconds[ 180 000 milliseconds] for them to return. Alas, they didnt return on time. And finally she made her mind for facing the reality. And she had to eat all those masala dosas alone. [Oh what a drastic measure she had to take]. The person clarifies that the last masala dosa was given to her mom, CIA is checking if its true [and we dont beleive it either].
The CIA Agents last spotted this person in one of the sky scrapers in the city where she lives and they reported a strange fact about the building. As the primary spy entrance preferred by CIA is by using trees, they tried to get access to the apartment by climbing trees, but couldnt succeed in their venture because they could only find trees planted on the ground floor. Even the eleventh or thirteenth floor didnt have any trees planted there.
Stay tuned....